Knowledge Base
Architectural Term Abbreviations
A Cheat Sheet for Deciphering Architectural Abbreviations and Symbols
Architectural diagrams and drawings such as floor plans, reflected ceiling plans, and elevations are generally pretty self-explanatory, but the intricate details can be quite complex. It can be challenging to decipher the meaning of specific abbreviations or symbols used in these diagrams.
To simplify the process, we have compiled a cheat sheet that outlines many of the commonly used abbreviations and symbols:
- ACT -- Acoustic Ceiling Tile
- AFF -- Above Finished Floor
- BOB -- Bottom of Beam
- BOD -- Bottom of Deck
- BSMT -- Basement
- CH -- Ceiling Height
- CIP -- Cast In Place
- CL -- Centerline
- CLG -- Ceiling
- CMU -- Concrete Masonry Unit
- COL -- Column
- CONC -- Concrete
- DBL -- Double
- DEMO -- Demolish or Demolition
- DIM -- Dimension
- DIMS -- Dimensions
- DR -- Door
- DWG -- Drawing or AutoCAD file
- EL -- Elevation
- ELEC -- Electrical
- ELEV -- Elevator or Elevation
- EXIST -- Existing
- FF -- Finished Face or Finished Floor
- FFL -- Finished Floor Level
- FL -- Floor Level
- FLR -- Floor
- GWB -- Gypsum Wall Board
- HVAC -- Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning
- INT -- Interior
- MAX -- Maximum
- MECH -- Mechanical
- MEP -- Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing
- MO -- Masonry Opening
- MIN -- Minimum
- NIC -- Not in Content
- OC -- On Center
- PC -- Point Cloud
- PNT -- Paint or Painted
- RCP -- Reflected Ceiling Plan
- RM -- Room
- SD -- Smoke Detector
- TEL -- Telephone
- TELE -- Telephone
- TEL/DATA -- Telephone/Data
- TO -- Top Of
- TYP -- Typical
- UTA -- Unable to Access
- WC -- Water Closet
- WH -- Water Heater
- W/ -- With
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